Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

my 1st X'mas ... " )

these are the x'mas presents from my great grandma, grandma, grand uncle, grand aunties and all the jiu jiu & yi yi who went Oz .. i didnt get to go cos daddy & mummy said i am too young to fly :(

this is the X'mas boots, mummy asked auntie Irene to buy... arnt they cute ..hee
this is me and evon yi yi trying to take a picture with my xmas hat @ warm Mos burger joint at Plaza Singapura ...
TAKE 1 !

TAKE 2 !
TAKE 3 !
finally! a nicely taken picture... Taken from Centrepoint Nursery .. hahathis is vain emily yi yi joining in the picture. haha
this is daddy ")
X'mas tree outside Paragon
Evon YiYi said other than the xmas lightings... I am also a small attraction... Ho! Ho!Ho!
don't you think I looked CUTE! hee!!
daddy is trying to protect me from the snow sprays but I am more interested in my hand!!!
We are all tire... resting at Grand Hyatt cafe.. as we have walked from Plaza Singapura to Grand Hyatt.. Mummy said thats one end of Orchard road to the other!

This is me with my X'mas present from Eric Jiu Jiu ")

in case you are wondering where is my mummy?? she is busy taking pictures....

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Ayden's busy day

mummy said today is a busy day for me... she said I have a lot of places to go.. this is me... just woke up ") i am at great grandma house... playing with mummy
this is daddy & me... do we look alike???
mummy brought me to auntie Lynn's house to play with other babies...baby in pink is baby Clara, baby in yellow is baby Erlyna.. arnt they pretty ..
from left to right : Clara, Jerald and Erlyna ... looked at baby Jearld... look at his busy hair!
this is baby Ayden... yes he is also called Ayden.. he is 2.5 weeks younger than me.. but mummy & daddy both agreed he is more SOLID!

we left auntie lynn's house and just reached airport to fetch grandma & yi yi... as you can tell I am very sleepy ...*yawn*

playing with daddy ")