Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Saturday, November 1, 2008

My Ninja outfit!

mummy bought me a Ninja outfit for halloween.... BUT i did not get it to wear during Halloween cos mummy was too tire to bring me out :(

Do I look cute?

Friday, September 12, 2008

The Big Purple Chair

Mummy's office is having a Mid-Autumn festival celebration today. Daddy is not working so he brought me to her office.

look at me on the big purple chair!

this is me with michelle & suzanne jie jie

this is michelle jie jie
this is suzanne jie jie

Monday, August 25, 2008

my birthday :)

great grandma said 1st birthday must eat drumstick.. mummy
bought me one at Crystal Jade... looked it so oily .. hee

after all the oil.. i need to burn it off.. mummy & yiyi brought
me for a swim ....
the water is freezing... but who cares :p

cold... cold!!!!

but i simply love water!
trying to show off my new skill... blowing bubbles in water
but got choke...

mummy & yiyi brought me to Go-Go Bambini next
the yellow ball
oops.. got hit :p

this boy hair looked different from mine.??? let me feel it

hey.. mummy is mine!!

yiyi trying to be funny

Sunday, August 24, 2008


this is what happens if you played too much the day before!!

me & my presents!

Thank you Uncles & aunties for all the toys and ang baos :)

mummy.. i think i still can fit .. hee

look at all the presents ... hee